Super spicy shrimp salt
Wasabi Lemon Pepper Salt
Chili salt
Green chili salt
White pepper salt
Shrimp salt
Lemongrass chili salt
Lime leaf pepper salt
Pink pepper salt
Hot sour shrimp salt

Super spicy shrimp salt

Super spicy shrimp salt is prepared with fresh, ripe and red chili, which naturally produce a strong flavor. Super Spicy Shrimp Salt combines strong and pure flavors, and the salt makers put their heart and soul into each jar of super spicy salt.

Usage tips:

- Dipping varied fruits.
- Seasoning food especially seafood.
- Eating with rice paper, white rice,...
- Processing with rice paper such as mixed rice paper, rolled rice paper, shrimp salted rice paper, ...

Product Volume:

  • 95g

Buy now:

1. 3 NO commitments

With a unique, special recipe and skilled from the talented hands of the salt maker. Pink pepper salt Fadely of Tinh Nguyen with 3 NO commitments:
- No artificial coloring
- No preservatives
- No chemical sugar
The blend comes from ripe chili peppers and ingredients are mixed in a certain ratio, bringing the traditional taste, and standard Tay Ninh taste  but still ensuring health and safety.

2. Rich flavor but pure

- The key to creating the special salt that only Tinh Nguyen has is that we work with our "Heart". With enthusiasm, the salt skilfully crafts a rich salt grain while retaining the purity, the right uniqueness of the sunny land wrapped in each salt jar.
- Original traditional taste - providing the entire essence of Tay Ninh country to every Vietnamese kitchen with each product.
Salt (39%), chili (18%), shrimp flavor (22%), garlic, carrot and flavor enhancer (E621)