How to choose shrimp salt that modern woman should know (3)

Thanks to its unique pungent taste, since when has Tay Ninh shrimp salt become an indispensable spice in your kitchen? It is also thanks to this popularity that shrimp salt is sold quite a lot, from small grocery stores to supermarkets and large stores. But do you really know how to choose a jar of shrimp salt with the right taste? The following article will give you some tips to choose to buy delicious and quality Tay Ninh shrimp salt.

Tinh Nguyen always produces salted shrimp products with 3 commitments NOT to ensure the health of mothers and babies

1. Recognizing Delicious Shrimp Salt Through 4 Criteria:

Criterion 1: Salted Shrimp Seeds

When salted shrimp is delicious, the salt particles are large, crispy, not soft and moist. If you touch and notice the above signs, it means that the salt is not preserved well, it will directly affect the quality of the product. 

Criterion 2: Color of Salted Shrimp

The color of shrimp salt depends on many factors such as ingredients and processing methods. However, delicious shrimp salt will have a natural red-orange color. You note the salt particles have bright colors, which are mostly food coloring or coloring powder.
The color of shrimp salt depends a lot on the ingredients and ingredients that make it up.

Criterion 3: The Taste of Shrimp Salt

Tasty Tay Ninh shrimp salt must be salt with a great blend of shrimp, garlic, chili, salt, not too salty or too sweet. All those quintessence must be encapsulated in each grain of salt, when tasting, you can immediately feel the greatness on the tip of the tongue.

Criterion 4: Taste of Shrimp Salt

When smelling not too strong the taste of shrimp but just moderate, the aroma of garlic and chili. After opening the salt jar for about 1 minute, the flavor will still be faint without being lost. The jars of poor quality shrimp salt usually only have flavoring substances, so they will not have such a characteristic aroma.
Tinh Nguyen shrimp salt has a fragrant aroma of shrimp mixed with a strong chili smell as soon as the lid of the salt jar is opened.

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